well, havnt done much with the car in the past three weeks.. weathers been getting nicer and my old lady's been making me get some of the projects around the house done.. but got to it for a little bit over the past couple of days. Eng bay is all set. everything is now in place. Rewraped all the harnesses and secured them in place. ran the brake lines for the abs and secured them. put in the heater box from the 04(that was fun, what a pain in the ass) finished up my hybred steering coulumn and got that mounted. I used the houseing from the 04 with all the electronics and put the shaft from the 86 inside of it.. and just for future refrence for every one, the fox columns are adjustable. so if you end up a little short, you cn extend the end of the shaft out the botom to compensate for it. Had to weld in a ccouple extra braces for the column just to take the extra weight with out flexing.