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my 91 lx coupe to 97 cobra 4 valve drivetrain swap


Active Member
I got the stock t45 unbolted and sold finally, I tossed the stock clutch and slid in a center force dual friction one. I mated the Lakewood scatter shield and the new rebuilt termec 3550 to the motor today. I feel like I'm finally getting this balling rolling a little


Active Member
If you are installing everything in one shot, let us know how the headers cleared your stock crossmember mounts.
Ok hopefully by the weekend it will be in the car and I can let you know then. I hope I don't run into any major issues, but if I do have the plasma cutter, torches and welder on stand by lol


Active Member
Hydroboost brake setup installed

I pulled the stock foxbody dash and installed the SN95 pedals and steering wheel bushing yesterday too its not prettty but you will never see it anyway


Motor installed


My 3550 transmission allowed me to use the stock foxbody crossmember, the stock replacement foxbody FMS aluminum driveshaft and all. I am gonna have to modify my drivers side header as its pointed straight at my crossmember attaching point to the body, I'm going to try to heat it and bend it toward the inside and just cut my x-pipe and make it fit once the header is going the right way. All in all its been a straight up swap for me so far.


Active Member
I made a little more progress this weekend, i got the cobra fuel lines mounted, brake lines changed, abs crap all installed, new fuel filter, fuel pump screen and the cobra gas tank installed. I went ahead and slid the cobra disk brake rearend in as well, and i worked around with the E-brake cable brackets until i got the sn95 e-brake cables to work on the fox chassis. I slid the sn95 heater box in as well, now if i can get the sn95 dash ready to go in i will be on the downhill stretch...


Well-Known Member
Staff member
That's a lot to get done in one weekend. Did you get any pics of the heater box going in? That is always a subject of concern here. I'm also interested in how you mounted and routed your e-brake cables. There aren't very many good pics of that around either.


Active Member
The ebrake cable fox was simple, i routed the cables just like the factory ones. I cut the sn95 cable bracket off from the floor of the cobra, drilled 2 holes in this bracket, drilled 2 holes in the floor of my coupe after i figured out where the bracket should be and just bolted it straight to the floor. It works very well like this, ill snap some pics of this today. As far as the heater box goes, i just bolted it right up to the stock mounting locations by extending the cobra brackets, the firewall bolts are not in the right place and i still need to make the firewall to heaterbox gasket longer, but i think my heater box will more mods before the dash will fit right. We shall see shortly


Active Member

^the ebrake cable bolted right up to the factory location^

^It routed over the top of the factory fox pieces^


^the Sn95 floor ebrake cable bracket bolted to the coupe floor pan^

^the finished product^


Active Member
I finally got the SN95 dash cut down/installed in the coupe to satisfy me. I messed up one dash by being an over-achiever and cutting too much at first, but the second dash I tried turned out very well. I hope I'm on the down hill side of things now, we shall see by Sunday if it will run again hopefully lol


