Research the sight fellas, all of these issues have been covered at one point or another. Here is a brief synopsis.
Crossmember - modify the stock member to work (won't work with long tubes due to the stock crossmember bracket locations.
You can also procure a set of brackets from an sn95 and use the sn95's brackets and crossmember. Both options will require some fab work and welding.
PATS- can be shut off with a chip and a tune. I like SCT stuff personally but, there are several options.
Speedometer- the only thing we had to do was get a longer speedo cable. Bolted right into the T45, and works well.
T45 install- Yes you have to install the trans with the bell housing attached. Use an extra yoke or the yoke of your driveshaft to turn the transmission as you are installing it. It took my buddy and I 15 minutes to put the trans in and start the tranny bolts.
Crossmember - modify the stock member to work (won't work with long tubes due to the stock crossmember bracket locations.
You can also procure a set of brackets from an sn95 and use the sn95's brackets and crossmember. Both options will require some fab work and welding.
PATS- can be shut off with a chip and a tune. I like SCT stuff personally but, there are several options.
Speedometer- the only thing we had to do was get a longer speedo cable. Bolted right into the T45, and works well.
T45 install- Yes you have to install the trans with the bell housing attached. Use an extra yoke or the yoke of your driveshaft to turn the transmission as you are installing it. It took my buddy and I 15 minutes to put the trans in and start the tranny bolts.