The pipes look interesting. I hadn't considered building in a counter-resonance to defeat a specific drone frequency. I've used high-temp rubber tape to dampen drone harmonics, but with mixed results...I also dig the pool noodles.
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I was revisiting this post, as one of my current projects will require similar work. I really like the idea of a fabbed up reinforcement for the back of the oil pan. I've used hold-down tabs and various fender washers ground to an elongated shape, but didn't consider how easy it would be to use a nice bit of flat strap steel. This really is a great idea.After installing the new pan gasket (with a continuous bead of RTV on both sides), i found that the RTV "oozed" out everywhere except at both rear corners. So i made up some braces from 1/8" steel plate and bolted them on. Very satisfying to see the RTV squeezing out where it didn't before. Either the pan is slightly bent, or just not strong enough between the mounting bolts to apply pressure evenly. Here's a couple photos of my "fix" (i hope).
...regards, kevin